Thursday, May 28, 2009

esspeecee … 28.05.09.

Why toddle?
To cross known exit
Come enter
Unknown vault
Good luck unto unknown.

Pampered faith died
Embarking on
To unknown
Victory unto unknown.

Known breeds
And hybreeds
Many knowns
Unknown is
Sterile, infertile
Hat off unto unknown.

Better jerk out
Jilt down known
Flirt with unknown
Embrace unknown
Glory unto unknown.

Known sows
Anxiety, doubt
Unknown carefree
Unbolt to unknown
Bravo unto unknown.

Known is bottleneck
Squeezing exit
Unknown is fragmented vat
Flamboyant exit.
Three cheers unto unknown.

Life is known
Fear zygotes
Embryonization en masse
Florid fear fetus
Gloss glitter gleam unto unknown

Unknown is
Anovular cycle
No zygoting
Valley of zero fear
Bon voyage unto unknown

Known is
Doodled easel
Unknown is blank
Inviting every doodle
Vibgyor unto unknown

Known is
Utter unknown
Unknown is
Better known
Best regards unto unknown.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

esspeecee … 27.05.09.

Wild wind
Trackless flying hair
Boundless psychic flair
Native naïve body appeal
Incognito browsing.

Blaster buster
Euphoric wing riding
Trumpeting sun
Incognito browsing.

Shoreless lake
Breaking wavelets
Dancing drone
Biting mosquito
Incognito browsing.

Feelings fractured
Million nano particles
Triumphant thoughts
Into inn of abyss
Incognito browsing.

Cynicism, Ironism
Altruism, Atheism
Asylumating in
Yawning chasm
Incognito browsing.

Brooding behind
Shut eyelids
Bohemian beeps
Under breast
Cobwebbed emotions
Beneath skull
Incognito browsing.

Incognito browsing
Culminates deleting
Foster formatting
Start afresh
Incognito browsing
And browsing
n’ ing, n’ ing

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

esspeecee … 20.05.09.

Love me not
Loosen your shackles
Of arms
O my pal.

Inebriate me not
By your wet kisses
I’m suffocating
By the fluffy fragrance
Of your hectic hairs.

Unlock your
Well knit fingers
Release your hand
Set me free from your
Balletic nimble stares.

O moonlit night
Arc of slender light
Come close to dawn
I’m longing kiss of light
Experience set-free delight.

My senses drowning
Yet self remaining
My corpus melting
Are you en-blossoming?

Love me not
Loosen your shackles
Of arms
O my pal.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Balet de labios
esspeecee ... [21.03.09.]

[Transated by Maria SM]

Sus labios
Diciendo no,
VayamosSus labios
Qué decir?
Botones rosa…
O querida
Florecen para nosotros

con cuidado
O Pichón Rosado
Somos para
Su floreciente sonrojo
Sus labios
Murmurando una
Sutil melodía
O solo floreciendo
Música de fragancia
De ti
Pichón Rosado

Permitame pararme
Como una roca sin tronco
En mi árbol Rosado
Y sus sutiles

esspeecee … 19.05.09.

Fistful of azured sky
Scoopful of silvery cloud
Palmful of pearly raindrop
Eyeful of vapor
Breastful of fizzled sigh
Tongueful of subtle word
I’m giving to you.

Else what reaming
I’ve discovered. The
Dispersible nostalgia
That …
I’m your foster fiancée.

Forget what I
Gave you
Be happy what I’ve
Not given you.

Life I can’t give
But pure griefs
Pure joys
I’ve given you.

Not to share
But to stay
In your heart
As indelible dot
To be wombed
By you after
Exit point
I’ll slip into
Finally when.

esspeecee … 19.05.09.

Mountains mourn
Ripples roil
Brooks breach out
Rivers revolve
Deafs hear dawn
Dumbs sing dance
Stones stagger
Volcanos verse
Why not?

All have come to halt?
I wait for
Every melody
Din and bustle
Subtle wave of sound
To be imbued in.

May be
Better said
When said nothing…
Better heard
When heard nothing…

Plurality in togetherness
Best, being
In nothing,
But in every thing
Dancing in
Secondless scenario.

Monday, May 11, 2009

[Translated by Maria SM]

Por qué ocurrió…?
Cuando ocurrió…?
Dónde ocurrió…..?
Cómo ocurrió…?
Pero ocurrió!Sabe que?

Gaviotas de mar, albatros
Mis compañeros de viaje
Interrogando por respuestas
¿Se van a obtener?

Grupos de nubes Monzón
Jugando en el vertiginoso horizonte
Me siento muy solitario
O mi dolor
Sabe quién tiene? Paciencia.

Los amantes de mis dolores
Movimientos suaves, labios azules
y picos
Para expresar mi dolor
Como sus puntos de romance.

Con abundancia de
Perfumes, colores
Re vibrante eufonía
Yo saboreo la soledad
O mi dolor

Ten paciencia.

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